Product FAQ

Kotex® Liners FAQs

Kotex® Liners FAQs

What is the difference between a pad and a liner?

Pads are designed for use during your period; they are made of absorbent material which soaks up the menstrual fluid to ensure you feel fresh and clean. They are available in different thicknesses and absorbencies for each stage of your period.

Liners are similar to pads except much thinner and smaller, these are designed for use in between your period, when your period is light, or even for everyday use. A slight vaginal discharge in between periods is perfectly normal and something Kotex® Fresh and Kotex® Herbal Liners can protect your favourite undies from.

Can I use a liner when I have my period?

Yes, you can use a liner when you have your period, but only if your flow is really, really light. It’s best to use a Kotex Soft® Air pad (they’re really thin), or other pads as they provide the best protection while you have your period.

Liners can be used as a back-up in your undies if you’re using a tampon. Kotex® Fresh Liners are best for keeping you fresh, confident and protected in-between periods, while Kotex® Herbal Liners anti-bacteria layer helps to keep odour-causing bacteria at bay.

Are Kotex® liners breathable and safe to wear daily?

Kotex® liners come with a breathable backing and are safe for everyday wear. With Active-Air System to enhance air circulation, you’ll feel fresh and comfortable all day while being protected.

Should I use scented or unscented liners?

The choice is completely up to you! If you feel like you need extra freshness, try Kotex® Fresh scented liners, infused with light Green Tea natural fragrance to help you stay fresh all day.

How to use liners?

Just like pads, liners are worn inside your undies and have an adhesive strip on the bottom to keep them in place.

How often should I change my liner?

How frequently you change your liner depends on why you’re using them – during your period as a back-up, or for everyday protection and freshness. As a general rule though, liners should be changed about every four hours.

How do I dispose of a used liner?

Liners should not be flushed down the toilet as they have a plastic backing on them (which is not biodegradable) and they may also block the plumbing system. Schools and public toilets usually provide special sanitary bins, so place your used liners in there (wrap it in toilet paper first, as the sticky side may get stuck to the bin door). If you can’t find one of these special bins (you probably won’t have one at home), don’t fret, just wrap the liner in toilet paper (or put it in a bag) and then pop it in the bin.

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