Period Basics

Female Puberty

2 Oct, 2023

Female Puberty

During puberty, as you move from a child to an adult, your body will start to go through many physical changes. Some you’ll welcome, and others you may not enjoy so much. There is no set script when it comes to physical development during puberty. Puberty is different for everyone. And different people develop at different stages. You might develop breasts at a different rate to your best friend, or even the girls in the years above or below you at school.

The below changes are the body’s way of letting you know that puberty has started for you:
Puberty causes rapid growth in height and weight increases
Breasts grow during puberty (not always at the same rate) and nipples stand out
Puberty can cause pimples. A real bummer, we know! They’ll occur on the face because of increased oil production
Sweat and body odour becomes more noticeable (so be sure to pick up some nice smelling deodorant from your supermarket)
Hair appears under the arms and around the pubic area
Hair on arms and legs becomes thicker and darker
Hips widen during puberty and your body may become more curvy
Genitals become darker in colour and fleshier
Vaginal discharge becomes more noticeable (Kotex® Liners are perfect to help you with this)
The ovaries enlarge and hormone production begins
Puberty is when your periods will usually start (menstruation is the technical term), but they’re likely to be irregular at first
Puberty can cause PMS as well
Sexual desires develop
Your emotions may go a bit crazy and mood swings can occur
Increased tiredness
You may be tired just from reading all about these puberty changes! We know that sounds like a lot, but it’s all part of developing into a young woman.

The advice provided in this material is general in nature and is not intended as medical advice. If you need medical advice, please consult your health care professional.

Kimberly-Clark makes no warranties or representations regarding the completeness or accuracy of the information. This information should be used only as a guide and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional medical or other health professional advice.